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  •  举报:AION Asmodian Carnage
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作品名称:AION Asmodian Carnage   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  mental ray  Mudbox  Maya  XSI  ZBrush  
发布时间:2010-07-09 09:18:00
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Hi there!

Finally, I'm happy to present you one of our last productions at Meduzarts (www.meduzarts.com).

The Project is called: AION - The Tower of Eternity (http://www.aiononline.com/) and is a massive multiplayer online role play game (MMORPG) by NCsoft (http://us.ncsoft.com/en/). .

In conjunction with Ignited Minds (www.ignitedusa.com) we've created several illustrations for the gaming website and the publicity of the game.

I want to mention, due to the tight deadlines and the shear amount of work, we had a bunch of Artists at Meduzarts working in parallel to realize this piece in time and at the desired quality.

I'm trying my best here to credit everyone who was involved on this project, so it may also give viewers a better insight on the process of the image and the tasks that were to handle.

At the same time, I want to thank here everyone who participated in that great collaborative effort!
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