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作品名称:little thief in the forest   网友评分:
发布时间:2010-12-10 18:11:59
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It is finally done. Very painful job it is, mostly for the backgroud. I used a little bit photo and a lots , lots of custom brush.Thanks a lot for dear friends who give me advice for the lighting adjustment and fignure changes .
She is a cute little thief that will run into you and say ' oh I am so sorry!' and you will , of course, too busy to look at her pretty face and hot boobs to realize your wallet was gone.
Some time she will hide in the forest, jump out and scream' in the name of the god/moon/whatever/or my empty stomach, give me all your money!' Usually her target --most time are bandit --will laugh at her because she is too cute. And they all end up being kick ass by her.
Over all, she is too sweet for my dark evil bloody thirsty fantasy world, but well , nobody can say no to a hot baby, right?
C&c are welcome ^^
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