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作品名称: Ismail Kemal Ciftcioglu    网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Painter  
发布时间:2010-12-05 20:29:40
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Battle of Malazgirt(Manzikert) is a very important battle in history.With this battle the Turkish Seljuk Empire defeated Byzantine armies and achived to enter into the lands of Anatolia. Then in a short period of time Anatolia became a Turkish land and in future it hold a vast empire called Ottoman Empire which expanded through 3 continents.

Seljuk army attacked in crescent formation..a traditional battle formation of the Turks. Byzantine army attacked in triangle formation for it.

Everything -except %30 of the clouds -were painted in Painter.I used some photograph reference for the clouds.All the dust,lighting effects etc. were made in Photoshop CS2.

Made in working 3-4 hours in 3 days. Any comments and critics are welcome as always I hope you like it !
in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only WAR
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来访时间:2010-12-05 20:34:00
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