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作品名称:Morgan le Fay   网友评分:
发布时间:2010-11-24 13:23:26
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Hi artists :) Happy New Year!

This is my new painting, "Morgan le Fay", based on the Arthurian Legend.

Morgan le Fay was an enchantress who practised lots of sciences and knew how to make poison (the little bottle she's holding contains poison. The moths are meant to represent the souls of her victims, attracted by poison - you can see some sparkling dust around them, coming from the bottle)

It was meant to be just a lighting exercise at first (I was playing with my wacom and a mirror) but I liked the colours so I've decided to turn it into a painting.

Photoshop CS and my wacom

35 hours approx

no real refs used (I've just taken a look at some nightshots of streets, you can see them in the WIP thread located HERE ).
I've used a mirror as mentionned above. The hand was the hardest part to make, it's still not perfect (there are some flaws in the painting but I was tired to work on it so I've called it done) but I've really tried.
The tones are brown and green on purpose, the lightsources are candles (and a little bit of magical light, she's a sorceress ;) ) so there's no real diversity in the colours and the contrast is not very high.
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