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  •  举报:Dream Catcher - Edited
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作品名称:Dream Catcher - Edited   网友评分:
发布时间:2010-11-23 10:56:03
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Hi artists!

This painting has no particular meaning, I had just started doing a hair painting tutorial then I've finished the sketch I had done...
Nothing special :)

Please note that it's a quickie compared to my other works so it may look a little bit rushed (I've spent 7 hours on it).

No refs used, I've had a hard time figuring the hand... it still looks off but since it's not something I had planned to paint nicely, I don't really care ;)

C&C are very welcome!

The tutorial can be viewed here so you can see how different is the final image ;)

Edit : I've spent some more time on it (4 more hours), it didn't look good so I've tried to fiw some flaws (there are still flaws but I prefer this version).

I hope you'll like it! :)
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