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作品名称:Chuck Wadey    网友评分:
发布时间:2010-11-23 10:50:24
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I painted a dragon for McFarlane's Myspace Art Contest, and was selected as one of the winners: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu...ogID=289103173. That means I get a dragon toy and I get to be one of their top friends. I'll enjoy that while it lasts.

The piece evolved as I was drawing the dragon's details. I kept thinking of the cardinals that I was seeing on my bird feeders at home - that's where the dragon's red color and dark spots around the eyes came from. From that thought, I leapt to the idea that a catholic cardinal could be riding him. A dragon in the service of the church sounded interesting enough, and why not, religion is a strong element in the Spawn universe. It gave me a lot of opportunity for ornamentation and the motivation to saw down the dragon's horns and chain him to the monastery foundation.
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