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  •  举报:The Frozen Atlantis
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作品名称:The Frozen Atlantis   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  mental ray  Maya  
发布时间:2010-11-15 08:47:55
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This is my entry for the Steampunk challenge. This is based on the myth about Atlantis. The ancient city that sunk into the ocean. The people here are so advanced, that they are able to prevent their fate. Using their technology they build a big freezing tower in the hope of saving the city. And just before a giant wave is about to roll over the city, they activate the tower, and the wave is suddenly frozen and stopped.

The scene is modeled in Maya and rendered with Mental Ray. Additional effects like smoke and blowing snow is hand painted in Photoshop, together with some final adjustments on the wave.
验证码: 7800  
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