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  •  举报:Steampunk Nemean Lion
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作品名称:Steampunk Nemean Lion   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Blender  
发布时间:2010-11-11 09:06:46
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This was my entry for the Steampunk Myths&Legends CG challenge. It shows the legendary Nemean Lion. His impenetrable skin protects the beast from the sharpest and most dangerous of weapons. However, Hercules will slay the lion as his first of twelve labors, taking the lion’s life. But for now, the lion roars to the skies, warning the world of its ferocity.

I had fun modeling it and learned a lot through the project.
There are some things I would have liked to change, but I guess it turned out alright. The background cloud image was used from http://wallpapers.free-review.net/ and a few textures came from http://cgtextures.com/

Thanks for viewing my work.
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