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作品名称: The Awakening   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  CINEMA 4D  
发布时间:2010-07-30 08:12:17
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It was a clear black night in the capital of a far away realm. While the archmage is asleep, his young apprentice sneaks in her masters library to unlock the secrets that are kept by the old, powerfull spellbooks. She don´t knows which ancient power lies hidden. And as the Dragon awakes who´s bound in the book centuries ago, waiting to rise and get back his mastery on the arcane forces that stream through the planet, she realises that some secrets should never be dissolved.
How the story goes on? It´s on your mind...

This is another project that i´ve done in my freetime. Al the objects are modeled poly per poly in Cinema4D, postwork done in Photoshop. I takes nearly 4 weeks to finish and was a big fun. Im a big fan of enviroments, but this time I wanted to create a story telling picture with some sort of a non realistic comic style.
I hope you enjoy it!
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