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  •  举报:Bianca e Nero
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作品名称:Bianca e Nero    网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Painter  
发布时间:2010-07-27 14:25:37
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Sometimes, someone has to face his/her own demons and of course painting is my own way to fight them.
It's something that, in my opinion, goes beyond the simple “like it or not”, so let me try to explain you why I 've painted it and why I've developed it in this particular way.This image represents my need for childhood's happiness in a symbolic way. My life, in the past few years, has been too chaotic, too stressful and full of troubles. I know you can understand me, because everyone has got a negative period in his/her memories. Getting back to the image... I'm the naked woman, in my present time, that wants to catch the tiny white ghost of the girl I was. I was happy, I was pure and simple as a lily. I'm naked because I feel this specific aspect of myself defenceless . The three knights are the enemies of my past. Of course, I'm still alive because I've won all the battles so far, but the war is still open as the arrow piercing my leg shows. I don't know if I'll be able to cope with this loneliness and I don't know if I'll find my way.
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