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  •  举报:Karen Krunch Concept
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作品名称:Karen Krunch Concept   网友评分:
发布时间:2010-07-25 22:14:26
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Karen Krunch is one of the 5 members of the Krunch Family, which is formed by Karen, Klaus, Katy, Kristian and Ketchup. This family of characters has been created for the new corporate image of Krunch retaurant's spanish franchise.

Karen is Klaus's wife and Katy and Kristian's mother, as well as an excellent cook. She is a happy and sociable character and she loves dancing and having fun. She has an adorable voice and usually sings to the sound of her guitar, together with the rest of the family. In spite of having grown up in a very traditional environement, she is quite a modern woman. Along with her husband she manages the successful restaurant that her parents Karla and Kornelius passed on to her. Her specialty are European sandwiches.
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