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Making herself comfortable with items that came from the sunken ship….and keeping the decaying body of an unfortunate sailor boy close…
Made with Painter X except for a few color tweaks in PsCs. The only ref image I used was for the right hand which actually gave me most the trouble. Time taken: too much…
and too many details, but it was such a challenge and so much fun to visualize the structure and texture of the variety of items and characters in this scene…..…
Making herself comfortable with items that came from the sunken ship….and keeping the decaying body of an unfortunate sailor boy close…
Made with Painter X except for a few color tweaks in PsCs. The only ref image I used was for the right hand which actually gave me most the trouble. Time taken: too much…
and too many details, but it was such a challenge and so much fun to visualize the structure and texture of the variety of items and characters in this scene…..…
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