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作品名称: Hanagumori   网友评分:
发布时间:2010-07-14 21:30:03
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Hello everybody!

Here's my new painting, I had promised a long time ago that I would write a tutorial on how to paint a portrait without using reference so here's the base image. I had started doodling something for the daily sketch forum capturing the process while painting (theme "pretty things") then I have decided to finish it and to make a tutorial out of it. I'm writing it, I think that I'll finish it during the weekend then I'll post it on my blog if some of you are interested in this technique.

I know that everything looks blurry except the face, it is just a base image for a tutorial ;) I may edit it later, although I really don't have time at the moment, maybe next year or at least after Christmas time.

I have enjoyed painting it a lot, I hope you'll like it too! It has been challenging because I wanted to make her look half Asian and half european, which is not as easy as I thought (I don't know if I have succeded in it, but I like her eyes and expression) and also because it is a very unusual color scheme for me. Her face is painted (she is some kind of a young Geisha) so her skin may look unusual.
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