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作品名称:Mk1 RS2000    网友评分:
使用软件:3ds max  
发布时间:2010-07-13 13:43:27
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Using an old friend (Escort RS2000), I have been experimenting with using the Mental Ray Production Shaders in 3ds Max to place a model into a photographic background. This scene was setup and rendered in 3ds Max 2009 - direct output shown here, no post processing. It uses MR matte and environment switchers, one spot light and one skylight (using the HDRI Env map I created).

I was lucky to capture the low evening sun. You can see the environment map 360 here: http://www.dmmultimedia.com/carpark/NagraCarPark_01.html

I am creating a tutorial where I will explain in depth how to create this scene (including maps), presently I have the first part on general use of MR Production shaders on my website here : http://www.dmmultimedia.com/3dtips_11.htm
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