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  •  举报:Thirsty
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作品名称:Thirsty   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Blender  
发布时间:2010-07-13 12:43:08
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Done for a compositing challenge (3D-battle #1) in the Danish 3D community at 3dmaxer.dk. We had a week to complete, and in the voting, this entry won. The contest was nothing serious with a prize and all, just for the fun.

We were given a photo to use as a plate to put anything we wanted into. My eyes caught the water hose, a cactus that looked human - and from there, the idea of a thirsty cactus desperate to get water developed.

I rendered out different passes from Blender, and composited them and retouched a bit in Photoshop. Before putting the 3D in, I had retouched the original photo, removing all flowers and giving the whole thing a more worn out appearence to better fit the little point the image had to convey.
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