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These are a series of animated ID tags created by Hatch Studios Ltd. for Astral's broadcasting campaign. They feature the Z-Tele logo transforming into a living TV machine, as well as collapsing into the logo once more.
The screens were mapped with a cyan-colored image that was later replaced with live-action footage having been tracked using Max2AE. Camera and tracking information was exported from 3dsmax and imported into After Effects where the screen mapping was applied to animated planes. Additional passes such as reflections were then applied on top of the footage for added realism. The movie seen here is without the mapped footage.
The screens were mapped with a cyan-colored image that was later replaced with live-action footage having been tracked using Max2AE. Camera and tracking information was exported from 3dsmax and imported into After Effects where the screen mapping was applied to animated planes. Additional passes such as reflections were then applied on top of the footage for added realism. The movie seen here is without the mapped footage.
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