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  •  举报:Assault On Tenabulus Viii
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作品名称:Assault On Tenabulus Viii   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  AutoCAD  Vue  
发布时间:2011-11-08 09:42:18
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I had recently built a new model for a new race to counter my series of Tenabulan ships (which I built in Autocad 6 years ago and revised a couple of months ago), I wanted a more distinctive look so you would know from the first glance that this is one race and that one is another. After going through many different concepts on the textures I finally settled on an organic/metal plated hybrid that I think works really well for the Aquilarian battlecruiser (the largest ship in the scene) and redid the textures for the Tenabulan ships for more of a metallic look than I had previously. After that I just sort of imagined what a real knock down drag out no holds barred kinduv fight might look like, and that's where this came from.

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