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  •  举报:Alareen DownTown
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作品名称:Alareen DownTown   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Mudbox  Lightwave 3D  After Effects  
发布时间:2011-10-21 08:50:10
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Hi everyone...
It's bean a long time, but what to do... if you like your job so much, then I guess you shouldn't be paid to do it

here is a development that was done in a bout 4 week from scratch, it is in an area South Bahrain close to the F1 track, this just got launched this week. the models on screen are 7.5 mill, GI on, and over 2 GB of images, modeling was built on both LW and Modo, and there was sculpting in ZB. Big thanks to the developers that help create good aps that helps the artist to day to achieve a heavy load in such short time, Newtek, Luxology, Pixologic big thanks, also Plugins like Sumatra helped me to do things in no time, also big thanks to Infinimap Pro for the extension it gave me on gave load, and to my good friend in Malaysia ASO for the great modeling support , and mellostudio for the nice creative sounds...
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