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作品名称:Escape From Coruscant   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Maya  
发布时间:2011-09-08 15:06:49
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Took about 30 hours, mostly in Photoshop. Maya was mainly used to set up the scene with blocked objects so I could experiment with different compositions on the fly in 3D space.

Once I found one I liked, I just rendered out a basic line drawing using the toon-shader and went to town. All the textures are hand painted in Photoshop using various brushes and techniques.

The overall purpose of the piece is just to show a small group of ships high tailing it out of Coruscant space. All the while leaving a trail of destruction behind them. (That was pretty much the theme I was given) I really tried to show a sense of movement in this piece. It was important that the viewer get a good sense of the speed.

This piece in considered Star Wars Fan art and none of the ships or planets are mine by design.

Any constructive critique is most welcome. Rip it apart!

Hope you like
验证码: 8259  
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