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作品名称:Fantasy Helsinki   网友评分:
发布时间:2011-06-29 08:31:21
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Hey everyone, I just came here for a while. I felt very exciting when I saw many great works here.
It is the first time that I have posted my works in this forum.
This work depicts a fantastic Helsinki. [I like the city very much.]
There're three large buildings in the picture. And each of them represents life, enthusiasm and dream separately. This is the theme of this work.
The farthest large building in this work is a church. Its inspiration is from the famous white church in Helsinki. It represents the life.
The building in the middle is a stadium. It symbolizes enthusiasm of the unceasing effort for objective.
The largest building in front is a centre of fine arts. It symbolizes my ideal of painting.
These buildings have turned into a complete city when you consider them as a whole scene. And it expresses the harmonious of nature and city, and my yearning for a nice future.
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