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  •  举报:The Perfect Agent
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作品名称:The Perfect Agent   网友评分:
使用软件:Photoshop  Illustrator  
发布时间:2011-06-23 08:30:03
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This picture is one of the most worked that I have made in this year. I wanted a very impactant model and I found the inspiration in one of my muses (with love, D). Then I tryed to obtain a leather texture for the suit taking as reference old jakets. I used three different layers for the suit: one for the black color, another one for the yellow and red strips and the last for all the shines and volumes. The hair has different layers too, for the shines and the tones. The background is an Illustrator planisphere from World Vector 3 with a tratment in Photoshop for the dirty look, using some texture brushes for the spots. I work in CS3 for Mac with a Wacom Intuos 3 A4, good music and a lot of coffee.
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