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  •  举报:Rei Ayanami
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作品名称:Rei Ayanami   网友评分:
发布时间:2011-05-02 14:43:05
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I've been recommended to watch Evangelion for many years now and never seemed to get to it until very recently. I then soon found myself rather inspired to create some fan art and take advantage of a slightly more manga style than usual.

I also recently watched a few minutes of a video from Jason Chan (which I got from a friend) on a 6 hour sketch he did in Painter. This made me take on a new approach in Photoshop without line art and without so many layers. All this portrait is, is me just painting over the rough sketch I did. This makes the whole process more free from any limitations the lines may have, which makes it just easier to work with. So, this is more of a painting than anything else.
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