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作品名称:God Bound to The Throne   网友评分:
发布时间:2011-04-23 09:40:52
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This is a copyrighted character I designed for a project I am involved with.

I am very proud of this one, it definitely took time and got me thinking real hard about perspective, mood, lighting and anatomy.

I learned a lot in this piece. Especially challenging was trying to get the cliff up front to come forward in front of the God, while keeping the scale correct. The god is supposed to be 50-60 feet tall approx, while the people on the cliff are normal sized.

I also was mindfull of mood on this piece. I hope there is a gloomy feeling to the environment, as well as a sense of power and size when it comes to the God.

Thank you so much for looking, I hope to hear your critiques.
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