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  •  举报:La espera
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作品名称:La espera   网友评分:
使用软件:Lightwave 3D  
发布时间:2010-07-08 12:24:19
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This is my last personal project. Was created using Lightwave 9.6.
It has the latest technology nodes (FAST SKIN) that incorporates LW is the latest versions of software. Congratulations from now on Newtek progress.
Also uses fiver FX for the hair although I still need to improve the application.
The system is a native rendering, global light (Final Gather)
Modeling the clothes and the chair is composed of high-resolution textures. In this case it was entirely modeled in LW, because Displacement nodes as possible to achieve what I wanted without having to use other software such as Mudbox.
As for the tabs using polygons SUBPATCH.
Finally add some noise in postproduction, blur and Chromatic Aberration for realism.

Well, I hope you enjoy and can criticize without problems.
Greetings from Argentina.
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